FATWA/HUKUM islam ATURAN SETELAH bersetubuh dengan binatang:
Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Dur al-Mukhtar is a book on Islam by 19th century Hanafi Scholar Ibn Abidin. A commentary on Imam al-Haskafi’s Durr al-Mukhtar, it is commonly known as Radd al-Muhtar. It is said to be a compilation of the great Fatwas of Imam Abu Hanifa [May Allah have mercy on his soul], and Hidayah is the name of a famous Hanafi juridical work by Burhan-ud-din Ali bin Abi Bakr al-Marghinani (1152-1197) which is considered widely authoritative as a guide to Fiqh amongst Muslims in Central Asia, Afghanistan and India, and is the basis for much of the Anglo-Islamic law in India and Pakistan.
If someone does jima [intercourse] with an animal or with a dead or a young girl and there is no inzal [ejaculation], then ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab taharah, masail ghusl, aussi Alamgiri, Kitab taharah)
If someone enters the penis of an animal in her vagina or dubur [anus], the ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab Taharah Masail Ghusl)
If someone does wati [intercourse] in the dubur [have anal sex or commit bestiality] of an animal or in his anus and there is no inzal, then Ghusl [bathe] is not wajib [obligatory] (Hidayah kitab taharah)
If someone does wati [intercourse] with a non balighah woman [non adult woman], or with a dead or an animal, there is no hadd [punishment] (Dar Mukhtar Kitab hudud)
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: "The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him.
I (Ikrimah) said: I asked him (Ibn Abbas): What offence can be attributed to the animal?
He replied: I think he (the Prophet) disapproved of its flesh being eaten when such a thing had been done to it. (Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 38, Number 4449)"
Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.[Abu Dawud 38:4450]
03:11 “… If a woman insert (in her vagina) an ANIMAL’S PENIS she must wash, and if she inserts A DETACHED PENIS (thakaran maktu-an, lit. “a severed male member”; a martial aid perhaps!?) there are two options; the most correct is that she must wash.”
http://www.islamicperspectives.com/Stoning5.htm#Chapter5By: Dr. Ahmad Shafaat
Death Penalty for Bestiality
There is nothing about the punishment for bestiality in Muwatta, Bukhari or Muslim. We find some ahadith on the subject in books of Abu Da`ud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad and, of these muhaddithun those who do express opinions on the authenticity of ahadith they record, do not have a favorable opinion of these particular ahadith.
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Yesus selalu memasukkan jari telunjuk dan kemaluannya nya ke dalam lobang kemaluan keledai betina yang baru saja dicuri dari Betfage hingga Yesus mengeluarkan cairan rupa mani. Semua orang Israel melihat hobi Yesus sambil berseru :"Inikah kerjaan mesias?"
ReplyDelete(Injil Matius 20:22) 1928.